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All ideas

Showing 2554 of 2554

Pre-populating Answers and Repeating Sections

In my organisation, forms need be signed-off by several levels of management before they are complete. If they're unsatisfied with anything, this can be passed back to the previous stage. This means I need to save and recover the current answers, ...
alan_fire almost 4 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 10 Planned

Graphical WF InProgress View

I would like to see graphical view of workflow progress like OnPrem.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Other 5 Not Planned

Customizable reporting

It would be great if Promasters were able to create their own reports in their tenant. If we could select the data/fields we want to pull statistics from and filter as we need we could leverage the data more.Would especially be good to filter more...
Guest about 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Reporting 3 Open for voting

Ability to add text/note beneath a linked process

It would be helpful to be able to add text beneath a linked process to add context or specific instructions within a wider process. It would also be useful to be able to edit the name of the process to fit in to the wider process that it's linked...
James Allen over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 2 Open for voting

Reporting - Add 'business area' to user profile

Ability to record a business area with a user as part of their profile so that reporting can be created by business area. At the moment there is no way to work out which business area a user belongs to i.e. if wanting to report on ā€˜Promapp Activit...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General / Reporting 6 Not Planned

Customize Process Manager Home Page

While there is some basic customization - addition of logo and an image, we would like to be able to customise the front page to better reflect how an organisation uses the system rather than be constrained by the fields and buttons that come out ...
Emma Levy about 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 0 Open for voting

Multiple outputs when using decision diamond

When using a decision diamond the process ends in two different places, which each have a distinct output. Unfortunately when entering an output there is no way to define which part of the process produces that specific output. The map shows both ...
Megan D almost 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Map 2 Open for voting

make possible to copy rules in smartforms designer

when implementing complex logic in rule, it would be very helpful to copy an existing rule into a new rule and change it after
Steffen Schmidt about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / SmartForms 3

Ability to attach Files from Desktop to Email delivery with multiple attachments

When having multiple attachments come through in an Email delivery, the ability to attach files from your desktop is not existent. Today if an email is generated via a delivery option and it has multiple attachments you can only add additional att...
Guest about 8 years ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / DDP Management and Creation 12 Not Planned

Add user view for promasters

Promasters are usually also users of the product. Our dashboard is cluttered up with notifications about processes we have nothing to do with in our business role. Add a view option so we can work as a standard user and switch to an admin view whe...
Guest about 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering / User Management 5 Open for voting