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All ideas

Showing 2533

Process Name

Today we can create multiple processes with the same name (title). Can we not have a feature like Gmail or something like that, that prompts the user while saving the process with the same name? Furthermore, the user should be allowed to decide wh...
Reshma Parkar 2 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 0 Reported as bug

Conditional Dropdown Values

It would be amazing to have built into NAC, conditional dropdown values, meaning that if a certain condition is met, then only select values are available in the dropdown. Currently, the only way to achieve this is utilizing external data and plac...
Shane almost 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 3 Open for voting

Escalate task to multiple assignees

At present, we can only escalate tasks to a single assignee. Customers who utilize this feature tend to escalate tasks to more than one assignee or to a group. We need the ability to escalate tasks to a collection of emails, a text of semi-colon s...
Kopantsho Mathafa 6 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Not Planned

Variable Builder: Declaratively Insert Merge Syntax

Merge context in Nintex Apps is powerful, but not discoverable. Currently users have to "just know" that merge syntax exists and type in the correct variables and syntax (often by frequent referencing between the documentation and model). Nintex A...
Anna Tadros about 1 month ago in Skuid 0

RPA on cloud as SAAS

our partner had already conducted the POC and presentation. However, in the end, it seems that the customer chose UiPath because our RPA product was not highly ranked in Gartner, and we do not have an RPA on the cloud, which eliminates the need fo...
nutthawut Angthong about 1 month ago in Nintex RPA (formerly Nintex Kryon RPA) / Console+ 0

Ability to set frequency of form submittals and/or open during a period/schedule.

For start event forms please enhance the user experience and developer experience by adding the following features: Ability to enable a form on a schedule. For example, open a form during a certain period or on a schedule like a scheduled start ev...

Audit trail for users, and roles

As a Promaster, I want to be able to see when and who created users, and when updates to the users profile was made from within the users section of Process Manager, so that I have a full audit trail of user management that is easy to access. I wo...
Kat Smith 3 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / User Management 0 Open for voting

Set the default Form access

Currently, the form access is set to 'Everyone' by default. It would be nice to be able to configure what is the default access when publishing a workflow with start by form. For example, in the workflow setting page (https://xxxyyyzzz.workflow...

Allowing signers to see attachments before the envelope is complete

It would be useful to allow signers to see attachments before an envelope is complete so that those attachments can be used for things like user verification or as backup information before signing. For example, if the initial signer needs to veri...

Give everyone VIEWING rights to see a document's properties e.g. Document Type, Associated Processes and Groups and History

When creating a process and want to link a document, you need to first select the document type. Sometimes you don't know the document type as it might not have been uploaded by you, so you're stuck; having to go through all the possible types to ...
Guest 4 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 0 Planned