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Showing 2597

Enable AAD user by Invitation process in People Picker control

Hi Team,adding AAD users using the Invite process as per MSFT : Will not allow users to be searchable in People Picker Control ?!it ...

Disallow/Warn/Add config item to avoid publishing with unassigned activities

Disallowing a process to be published when there are unassigned activities would stop that from occurring. Either that or, as a minimum, a warning pop up when the publish button is clicked. Alternately, make it a config item that clients can contr...
Noala Degasperis almost 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Review & Approval 1 Open for voting

Support for Odata Input for System Smart Objects

Please consider adding support for allowing System SmartObjects with the ability to support input, and method parameters like the SmartObjects in the Workflow Analytics category. There are many SmartObjects in the System Category that would be use...
Jerry Garza almost 2 years ago in K2 Cloud / Integration 1

Variable Builder: Declaratively Insert Merge Syntax

Merge context in Nintex Apps is powerful, but not discoverable. Currently users have to "just know" that merge syntax exists and type in the correct variables and syntax (often by frequent referencing between the documentation and model). Nintex A...
Anna Tadros 3 months ago in Skuid 0

RPA on cloud as SAAS

our partner had already conducted the POC and presentation. However, in the end, it seems that the customer chose UiPath because our RPA product was not highly ranked in Gartner, and we do not have an RPA on the cloud, which eliminates the need fo...
nutthawut Angthong 3 months ago in Nintex RPA (formerly Nintex Kryon RPA) / Console+ 0

Ability to set frequency of form submittals and/or open during a period/schedule.

For start event forms please enhance the user experience and developer experience by adding the following features: Ability to enable a form on a schedule. For example, open a form during a certain period or on a schedule like a scheduled start ev...

Give options for minimode default display

Currently the default, and only choice, for minimode display for a process is the Map view. Please add an option to set the default view as the Procedure view.
Rob Peterson 6 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Sharing / Minimode 0 Open for voting

Ability to re-order action order in an action plan (Improvement Module)

Hello, Let's say that we create an action plan with say 3 actions and later, we realised that we missed one more action that should be completed ā€˜beforeā€™ the 3rd one in the original plan. The newly created action will show at the top or at the bot...
Guest 6 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Improvement Management 0 Open for voting

Style Profile Save as Option in K2 Designer

Have the possibility to copy/save as an existing style profile so changes can be made and saved/used as a new one.This comes in handy when you need to apply a new style with minor changes of an existing one.
Dieter Dewaegenaere over 2 years ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / Other 1 Planned

Ability to fetch user's manager using external data source and Azure AD connection

We have a use case where I need to retrieve user data from Active Directory (AD), including Position, Department, and Manager and display on form. While we can already fetch position and department using external data sources and an Azure AD conne...