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All ideas

Showing 2612

Have an action to create an ID Number that is unique to the workflow instance

We require a simple unique identifier for each workflow instance to use in a subsequent "Set Instance Name" action, and other communications as a short way of referring to a particular instance. At the moment the workflow sends data to a sharepoin...

Workflow Development - Modal Pop-Up Debug Screen

During workflow design it is often necessary to be able to Test the workflow and have it pause/stop the script in order to evaluate variables while the script is running. It would be very helpful to have a "Modal" pop-up ACTION screen that can be ...

Being able to copy/paste a control/a table/a cell when designing a smartform

It will be very usefull to be able to copy/paste a control/a table/a cell when designing a smartform. Ex: While designing a smartform with 10 labels as titles where we need to apply custom theme on those labels, we have to change the font/size/col...
Amanda Moumen over 2 years ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / SmartForms 1

Manage web links the same as other documents

it appears that “Web Links” appear in Admin>Reports>Documents, but you can not see them under the “Documents” tab on the top horizontal menu bar. At the moment, it appears that the only way that we will be able to tidy up the Report, is to m...
Paul Hollamby over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 0 Under Review

Appending Comments to Form

We would like to see an ability for authenticated Nintex users to go to a form that is active and be able to write a comment that can be seen by all parties involved with the request. This comment should then be included in all subsequent forms do...
Tim Ehalt 5 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 0 Open for voting

Attachment Preview in Start Form

Please create the ability to view/preview an attachment once added to a start form. Ideally the document would open in a new browser window/tab

Creating New Users and Assigning Group Rights

When creating new users we should be able to manage their group access rights in the same window. Going to the Manage Groups section after creating new users takes up way too much time and is often forgotten.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / User Management 1 Under Review

Condition filter for People Control on NAC form

With a large number of accounts in Azure Active Directory it would be helpful to be able to provide a condition filter for the People control. Conditions could be similar to those provided on the Azure Active Directory Query Users workflow action....

Ability to view documents in-software rather than downloading

It would be beneficial to process participants if they could view documents that have been uploaded to Process Manager within the software in a 'view-mode' (e.g. opening in a new tab or a pop-up window). If a document is hosted on Process Manager,...
Abbie Richards almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 1 Open for voting

Option to decide if a document (image, video, pdf, etc) should be added to the Promapp library

When writing a process with attachments, especially screenshots, it is often not necessary for that image to be added to the documents library. It would be great to be able to tick a box that says this document is not required in the library but i...
Michelle Pavel almost 6 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 5 Not Planned