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All ideas

Showing 2586

Email configured in DocGen Packages to have a format

Hey, We use Nintex DocGen Package and it would be great if we could add format into email addresses sent from this packages, like making text Bold or Underlined . Hope you could add this functionality in the future. Thanks and regards,Alejandro Lois.
Guest 5 months ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / Lightning Experience 0 Open for voting

Manage web links the same as other documents

it appears that “Web Links” appear in Admin>Reports>Documents, but you can not see them under the “Documents” tab on the top horizontal menu bar. At the moment, it appears that the only way that we will be able to tidy up the Report, is to m...
Paul Hollamby over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 0 Under Review

Change behavior for tab override as accordion

When tabs convert to accordions, the accordion appears with up and down carets. These don't function the way users expect, since clicking the header just re-loads the tab. The override should simply be full-width, without the confusing up and down...
Meredith Meyers about 2 months ago in Skuid / SFX 0

Add on-click actions to accordions

Similar to how tabs have on-click actions, it would be nice to query models only when accordions are opened.
Meredith Meyers about 2 months ago in Skuid / SFX 0

Create a workflow action to delete a row from a NAC table

We were intending to use the tables feature in NAC but as its not possible to delete a row from a workflow we have now abandoned that approach. It seems odd that you have create , update and query but no delete option.
Chris McCarthy about 1 year ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Started

Graphical WF InProgress View

I would like to see graphical view of workflow progress like OnPrem.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Other 5 Not Planned

Creating New Users and Assigning Group Rights

When creating new users we should be able to manage their group access rights in the same window. Going to the Manage Groups section after creating new users takes up way too much time and is often forgotten.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / User Management 1 Under Review

New Identity SYNC Services - ADServices2 - ADAttributeFilterType - Accept Multi Value

In the Identity Sync Service we have this feature wherein we can filter Identities based on ADAttributeFilterType property available in the ADservices2 Service Instances. Currently it is accepting single Value. Is there a way to Enter Multiple Val...
Sathish Rajasekaran 7 months ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / K2 for SharePoint 1

Trying to stop the creation and deletion of items in Repeating Section of Nintex Form

I am working on a Nintex Form that uses the Repeating Section control. I'm trying to make it so that in Edit Mode, no items can be created nor deleted in the Repeating Section, but there doesn't appear to be a solution right now.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Nintex for Office 365 / Designer 2 Not Planned

Rule logging

An extremely useful enhancement would be rule logging. Logging rule as they are applied would make troubleshooting rules infinitely easier.