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Showing 2587

Please make the 'response required' feature on the feedback defaulted with a tick.

Many users are forgetting to tick this button when leaving feedback. As far as I can tell - the feedback then shows in your feedback dashboard with a green symbol next to it. When it is green it does add to the count of feedback items to be comple...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Feedback 5 Under Review

Archive function for particular personal or training units

When you have set up training in the system and people have completed the training, but have changed role and no longer require refresher training there is no way of archiving that persons training record for the training unit so instead it shows ...
Joanna Crighton over 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Integrated Training Management 12 Open for voting

Dont allow Conditions for fields that are not filterable

For example with History objects from Salesforce not all fields are filterable, specifically the OldValue and NewValue fields. Despite not being filterable as stated by Salesforce, you can add a condition for these fields on the Model and they wil...
Guest 4 months ago in Skuid / SFX 1

Search and sorting capabilities NWC

Search by task name (being able to define the search options. Like what shows in the drop down for users to search by) Search by fields in form (similar to first bullet – being able to search against fields in the form and then we can pick from a ...
Sabah N almost 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting


Is it possible somehow to receive notifications(by email or whatever) when some relevant procedure for us is updated? DP OPERATIONS STANDARD has been updated and we just noticed because we needed to check it yesterday.
dp operator about 2 months ago in Nintex Insights 1

Debugging track value of a property label control etc during the runtime of a form

At the moment to check what the value of a control etc is doing the execution the only way is to put a lot of message boxes everywhere with the variable you need to track the value for. What if we had like other normal development environment an o...
Jean Paul Galea about 2 months ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / SmartForms 0

Request for Japanese Language Support

Thank you for your excellent service. The Japanese market is large and growing, and having Japanese support would make it easier for more people to use your service. It would also increase user satisfaction and strengthen your competitive edge. By...
Guest about 2 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Other 1 Started

Have an action to create an ID Number that is unique to the workflow instance

We require a simple unique identifier for each workflow instance to use in a subsequent "Set Instance Name" action, and other communications as a short way of referring to a particular instance. At the moment the workflow sends data to a sharepoin...

Workflow Development - Modal Pop-Up Debug Screen

During workflow design it is often necessary to be able to Test the workflow and have it pause/stop the script in order to evaluate variables while the script is running. It would be very helpful to have a "Modal" pop-up ACTION screen that can be ...

Show draft/unpublished processes that are using documents

Documents cannot be deleted if they are attached to a published process (which is fair) however they also cannot be deleted if they are attached to an unpublished process, which is harder to track down. This also makes identifying orphaned docume...
Damian Light over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 5 Not Planned