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All ideas

Showing 2539

Add conditions on the else portion of a rule

It would be helpful to add additional conditions on the else portion of a Form Rule. Without this functionality, I have to create several more rules and it doesn't always resolve the condition.

Optimize print capabilities

Processes are printed with the configured document types displayed as text only e.g. a checklist or form that is required to complete a task step. In order to obtain the form, the user has to return to the process and print the required document. ...
Adrian Garibdass almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 0 Open for voting

Tasks menu improvements

Hello !I was wondering if you would consider to add in the Task menu a new column with the instance ID or the search box with the instance ID. As you will see in the attached picture, I know to whom has been assigned the task, but I don't know to ...
Valentina almost 5 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Other 2 Not Planned

Add Connection

Could you add connections to
Guest almost 5 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Connectors 1 Not Planned

Ability to add viewers to Incidents

We would like to have the reporter of the incident to have the capability to add viewers to the reported incident when submitting the form. Once the ticket is submitted we don't want to have the users with the specific permission to edit the ticke...
Natsumi Shiraiwa almost 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Improvement Management 2 Open for voting

Move the "Save as Draft" functionality away from the "Cancel" button in iOS/iPadOS

Currently, in the iOS and iPadOS version of Nintex Mobile, in order to save a form as a draft form, you have to press "Cancel" at the top left in order to get the option of "Save as Draft". Views within our organisation is that this current method...
Connor Wilkinson almost 3 years ago in Nintex Mobile 0

Execute a SQL Query action - Allow connections over the Nintex Gateway

The "Execute a SQL Action" is not working with connections over the Nintex Gateway. This action should work the same way as the "Query a SQL Table" action or the other SQL on-premises actions. This is a defect. The current action does not allow co...
Anselma Perez 12 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Connectors 2 Not Planned

Get SmartSheet Row by Cell Value

As discussed on this forum page ( I'd really like to be able to get a Smartsheet row based on a cell value. If not that, I'd like to at least call by row num...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 3 Open for voting

Webhook Design Templates

While we currently are able to create Email Design sets that will apply a specific set of Email notifications to templates, I believe having that functionality for Webhooks/DocumentTRAK would be extremely beneficial due to using the same webhooks ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Nintex eSign (formerly Nintex AssureSign) / Templates 0

Give Priority Rating to Process

Whilst we can override the review date of processes, it would be beneficial if we could show a priority rating for a process at a glance. We have to use the matrix to work out the prioritisation criteria of a process (low, medium or high) so why n...
Alison almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Review & Approval 0 Open for voting