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All ideas

Showing 2606

Allows to Capture Details of Unexpected/ Unknown Error(Error Description) in an Error Task

If a bot encounters an error due to an unexpected condition or exceptions during execution, the bot will be failed to complete the task. The Error handler Action facilitates features to perform set of actions which is used to handle an exception. ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex RPA LE 0 Under Review

Calculation flexibility

Multiple calculations in a single action. Currently I can only add 2 values together. This gets wild when I have 5 + values that I need to add together

Upload a List for Dropdown Jot Block Options

In other products, I have been able to paste a list with each choice on a new line for dropdown options however this one requires each one entered one by one. Even for options where the user selects a department name and the choice fills in the de...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex eSign (formerly Nintex AssureSign) / Templates 0 Under Review

Have magnification capability

Currently you can not jump to specific page in document while viewing your document in template. Please add "go to Page" functionality. Second, add page zooming functionality to enlarge/reduce the viewing document.
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex eSign (formerly Nintex AssureSign) / Templates 0 Open for voting

When initially creating my checklist, I expected to see some type of 'action' option at the end to start the process.

I have created two checklists today and assigned them both to myself as the first recipient but have not received any email notification yet. As an end user I don't know if I have successfully started the checklist or not. Might be useful to have...
Guest over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 3 Open for voting

Ability to add multiple submit buttons

The functionality that I am hoping for is the ability to add multiple submit buttons, each that redirect to a different URL. For example, rather than just "Submit", I should be able to have a "Submit and Close" and a "Submit and New" button. "Subm...
Guest 11 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 1 Open for voting

Option to not send an initial assigned task e-mail

It would be great if you could opt out for sending an initial task mail if you have a lot of people assigned to a task, otherwise a whole department gets overwhelmed by all the task mails. It would be beter if you could assign a task to a certain ...

edit templates with pause to edit feature without downloading

When pause to edit option is checked on templates, users need to download the template, make edits and then upload the doc again to generate a final document. From the user/agent point of view this is not a user friendly experience and they consid...
Rakesh Amradi 11 months ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / UX/UI 0 Open for voting

Conditional form fields in Improvement module

We use the Improvement module to track workflow for incidents/events. It would be nice to see some form fields that are activated as a condition of response to a prior field. This would make the event submission experience cleaner for the user.
Stacia Kato over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Improvement Management 3 Open for voting

Support File Storage Value Type for Adobe Sign Delivery Option

Currently, the Adobe Sign delivery option supports the "attachment" storage type. Would like to have this support the "files" storage type
Natsumi Shiraiwa over 3 years ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / 3rd Party Integration 0 Not Planned