The functionality that I am hoping for is the ability to add multiple submit buttons, each that redirect to a different URL. For example, rather than just "Submit", I should be able to have a "Submit and Close" and a "Submit and New" button. "Submit and Close" could direct the user to the success page and would be used when the user is only submitting one form. "Submit and New" button could redirect to the hyperlink for a new form submission. This would be extremely useful for our users who frequently have to enter a lot of forms back to back, such as when entering Purchase Orders.
As it is currently, I only have one option for a redirect URL. I realize that there are workarounds for this, using variables and controls, which I am currently utilizing, but it would be much cleaner and more efficient if I could just add another button within the Action Panel.
Thanks for submitting the idea. I have this idea up for voting, which will help us prioritise this feature in the backlog.