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All ideas

Showing 2580 of 2580

Delegate Tasks from Tasks Dashboard

Administrators should have the ability to delegate tasks from the Tasks dashboard (under Automate). Currently, there's only the "Complete Task" option under the Response column. It seems like an excessive amount of clicks to go to My Nintex > W...

Reporting - Add 'business area' to user profile

Ability to record a business area with a user as part of their profile so that reporting can be created by business area. At the moment there is no way to work out which business area a user belongs to i.e. if wanting to report on ā€˜Promapp Activit...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General / Reporting 6 Not Planned

Get workflow instances needs Instance Name as a Filter.

Only having start and end date as Filters for finding working instances is very limited.. If you don't know when an original WF was exactly started you need to supply very broad range to then start processing through the object list. As part of wo...

Replace every instance of a variable with another variable

We can check the usage of a variable in workflow actions, but we can not replace every that variable with a different variable. To do so, we have to replace each instance of variable use one at a time. Mass replacement of variables will save custo...
Kopantsho Mathafa 7 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Already Exists

Ability to change variable type of an existing variable

Currently, you can only set the variable type when creating a variable. Thereafter, the type cannot be changed. If a customer wants to change the type of a variable, they will have to delete the existing variable and create another one. If the old...
Kopantsho Mathafa 7 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 2 Not Planned

Ability to restrict emails going out to signatories of limited domains

During testing, we can't really control our testers of different environments in different stages of testing from using real emails of our clients. To restrict that, we want the ability to specify only certain domains (ex:,
Bhoga Pappu about 1 month ago in Nintex eSign (formerly Nintex AssureSign) / Simple Setup Features 0

Cancel the Envelope in AssureSign using a SALESFORCE Flow

We use the DocGen component (in DocGen for SALESFORCE) connected to eSign (formely ASSURESIGN). A Docgen document is generated and sent to AssureSign platform. This action create a "Nintex eSign Envelope" object in Salesforce. Sometimes, a user ge...

Update File Name in Workflow

Would be great if there was a way to update the name of a file that has been submitted via a Nintex Form within the workflow instance itself. This would make it much easier to associate files with other references provided within the form, such as...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 4 Open for voting

Increase File Upload Size Limit for NWC.

The file upload action for Nintex Workflow Cloud is currently limited ot 25MB files. But we are seeing more and more need to increase this file size limit. A 250MB limit like what is on Nintex Workflow for O365 would be a great start.
Ian over 4 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 6 Not Planned

Debug Assistance - pinpoint error

Currently we have an issue testing a workflow where it gives us "Semantic Errors" when we try test the workflow. When we try to publish the workflow we get the following "Some fields contain references to invalid variables; we recommend removing t...
Kris Densley 3 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 2 Already Exists