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All ideas

Showing 2589 of 2589

Change Dashboard Column heading from 'out of date processes' to 'Processes overdue for review'

The Governance page of the Dashboard shows the process statistics for the organisation in 6 columns. The 3rd column is titled "OUT OF DATE PROCESSES". It would be more accurate to title this column "PROCESSES OVERDUE FOR REVIEW". The processes hav...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 3 Open for voting

Update NWADMIN.exe to map a specific SharePoint database to a Nintex Database

We are SP2016. I am using the NWAdmin AttachDatabase... and the NWAdmin Updatecontentdatabase They look something like this: NWAdmin.exe -o AttachDatabase -servername "SQL4SP16" -databasename "NW2016DB" -integrated NWAdmin.exe -o updatecon...
Guest about 2 years ago in Nintex for SharePoint / Workflow for SharePoint 0

Add Notes to Utility Actions inside Workflow

Have the ability to add notes to specific actions inside a workflow. Example: If I have a "Set a variable value", I could have notes that explain why I am using this for future workflow owners or if there needs to be an edit in the future, it expl...
Josh Mueller 8 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Open for voting

RPA Central processing days

I would like RPA Central to have scheduling option for last day of the month, last week day of the month, first day of the month, first week day of the month. Also another option that would be nice along with the above is to have two drop down men...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex RPA LE 0 Under Review

Differentiate between Dev vs Prod Tasks and Instances

A column to differientiate dev vs prod tasks and instances need to be incorporated into the platform under Tasks (under My Nintex) and Tasks & Instance (under Automate). Default should not include these like instances has for deleted workflows...
Brandi Woodson about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) 1 Open for voting

Camera/Take Pictures within a form

We need the ability to take pictures from within the app. Then be able to select and delete needed and unneeded images.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex Mobile 0

split Directory.Read.All permission request

Currently K2 Cloud requires Directory.Read.All permission in order to access AAD. All apps have to follow the least privilege setup as far as technically and support wise possible. For such a global company us ours which is under various financial...
Miroslav Krsko 8 months ago in K2 Cloud / Identity 0

Nintex Automation Cloud connector cannot list instances by instance name

The current Nintex Automation Cloud connector cannot list instances by instance name. The API does support this. Please add the action to get workflow instances by workflow name, workflow instance name, status, start date and end date.
Samuel Camacho 8 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Connectors 0 Planned

Data Source Limits

There needs to be a workaround for tasks in NAC that pass SharePoint list data through. Because the data is static (pulled from the start event form) it was suggested we create a data source for the list and pass the data through that was to the t...
Brandi Woodson about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Xtensions 0

accessibility improvement for colour blindness

It has been brought to my attention, by a colleague who is colour blind, that they have struggled with the colours used in Promapp. I would like to request appropriate changes to improve accessibility for colour blindness. Below are some articles ...
Michelle about 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 2 Planned