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All ideas

Showing 2503 of 2503

Organizational Form Template

We need a organizational level form template so that user can create their own forms and still adhere to a company standard.

Moved documents remain in original folder/s - have to be manually moved

Documents attached to processes that are moved to another group should not remain in the original group or provide an option to select 'remove from this group'. With organisational restructures, processes can be moved and the extra work required t...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 3 Open for voting

Spell check for new responsive form Rich Text

would it be possible to add in spell check for the new responsive form?
Evan Kalynchuk almost 2 years ago in Nintex for Office 365 / Form Filling Experience 9 Not Planned

Notify a workflow when a task has been manually reassigned via the 'My Nintex' dashboard

We have reports showing which people are assigned to pending tasks, so that other users can follow up with them if it's not getting actioned quick enough. When someone manually delegates their task to another, the report becomes incorrect and othe...
Unknown Unknown 4 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Not Planned

Broken Weblink / Deleted Document Notification

Where Weblink has been used as an attachment in a process, create exception reporting to notify when weblink is no long valid / active / presents error. Notification to appear on the dashboard. Provide prompt when trying to delete a document which...
Kirstin Austen 4 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

View Role Involvement on Promapp page rather than export a list

it is annoying to export list of role involvement and search the name/title on web again. it would be nice if the list can show on the website and provide the link for each process/ group/swimlane. Thanks.
Cassie Gao about 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 1 Open for voting

Enable more than one activity in decision matrix

When you have a decision, you can set it to go to next activity, another process or add in another activity completely but it can only be one activity with multiple tasks. Would like to be able to add at least another additional activity. Find we ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 5 Open for voting

Support SSO users for Authorization and Migration

Currently, Nintex DocGen does not support Authorizing or Migrating when the user is SSO enabled. Recommendation is to have 1 user who does not have SSO.
Brent Byhre 4 months ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / DDP Management and Creation 0 Open for voting

Send a proper e-mail to delagated user

Hello, It would be a great benefit for our customers using the "Out Of Office" functionnality to be allowed to change the "You've been shared a Task" e-mail. Either directly for each Task in the Workflow designer (so we can also edit the e-mail di...
Mickael Scheer over 1 year ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / Workflow 0

Tenant-wide variables

It would be great to be able to configure tenant-wide variables (maybe as a tab in the settings section of the tenant). This would allow creating variables accessible in all forms/workflows that define legal disclaimers or even image urls, so that...
Guest about 4 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Other 2 Planned