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Showing 2613

Scroll the visible screen when dragging a task to another activity

When editing a process and the user needs to drag a Task to an Activity that is not on the visible screen, the screen should automatically scroll when the task is dragged past the top or bottom of the activity list. Right now you have to drop the ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 1 Open for voting

Default Event Owner to blank

Event Ownership is critical to accountability. Currently, an event's owner is defaulted to the Incident Portfolio Manager. We would like the option to configure each portfolio to either default the event owner to the Incident Portfolio Manager, Re...
Stacia Kato almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Improvement Management 1 Open for voting

Support Nintex eSign Envelope Creation for Salesforce Gov. Cloud

Currently, DocGen+eSign+Salesforce Gov. Cloud Environments can Send eSign Envelopes out for signature using DocGen, but nintex can not create the Envelope record or write back any data to Salesforce.
Brent Byhre 11 months ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / Setup and Configuration 0 Open for voting

ability to add html inside repeater control (same as Nintex on-prem)

Nintex for office 365 doesn't properly support html within repeater section. It has some issues. please see attached video. For me it is clearly a bug, but Nintex support team is refusing to accept. They asked me to raised this as an idea. Nintex-...
Guest 11 months ago in Nintex for Office 365 / Form Filling Experience 0

allow search of reviews dashboard page

Sad to say but we have a large list of reviews due and as promasters, wish to see all.. we have to scroll through page by page to find the one we want. could we have a search function so we can go straight to the one we want to sign off as reviewed?
Kristyn over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 1 Not Planned

A search function or filtering function for Promasters with My Changes Tabs

When you are a Promaster all items in your My Changes section are listed in date order - newest a the top. This can make looking for something specific very time-consuming. We should be able to search or filter these sections.
Guest over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 2 Not Planned

PVM Comparison

When using a Process Specific Variation in the PVM when comparing variants actually 'highlight' the differences alike the Compare changes in the procedure view - compare to current, but highlighting differences. This would be very powerful from a ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Variations 0 Open for voting

Workflow Description

The reports for workflows should include the workflow description to help easily identify the purpose of the workflow. Often the same workflow name is used on various sites (i.e., Approvals). By including the description, it would provide clarity ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Insights 1 Open for voting


Currently the use of # to assign a Tag in process text provides a select list of all Tags which includes System, LEAN, etc. The list presented can be very large and daunting to Users. Can an improvement be introduced to either: 1. introduce the ab...
Gary Tibble over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 2 Planned

Increase the preset date range in Tasks

Is there anyway to increase the preset date range, or have custom set date ranges when looking at tasks assigned to you. We are constantly changing the date range and it would make life easier if we could create a date range that goes from the cur...