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All ideas

Showing 2540

Add support for paginated responses from Connector calls such as BOX.ccom

The current connectors for (and I assume others) do not support pagination. In the case of when a response has more than 200 items (For example a collection of files in a folder with '201 files') the Nintex connector will only retu...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Connectors 1 Not Planned

Improve Documents report

Create a report where we can know how many times and date when documents are clicked on or downloaded
Madelina Baena about 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 1 Open for voting

Copy Form Control from one form to another within a Workflow

Currnently you can copy/duplicate a form control only within the same form. It would be great if we could copy and paste form controls from one form to another within a workflow.
Diane almost 3 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 2 Not Planned

Grant risk viewing rights to all risk and treatment owners

Risk and risk treatments can be assigned to users who don't have access to see the risk or treatment. Making someone a risk or treatment owner should automatically grant them access to see that risk and it's treatments without requiring access t...
Damian Light over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Risk and Compliance Management 0 Open for voting

Notifications for Events Based on Conditions or Schedule

Since Insights offers a comprehensive view of workflow statistics, it would be useful to be able to configure notifications for events or send scheduled reports. For example: Any workflow exceeds N instances within X time frame (i.e. workflow inst...
Nick Shaffer 8 months ago in Nintex Insights 0

ability to request status of individual blocks - not just "completed" - on completed and in progress envelopes

Provide a descriptive status of the block, not just completed. ie signed or skipped in this case Allow us to get this data for envelopes that are still in progress
Guest 8 months ago in Nintex eSign (formerly Nintex AssureSign) / API 0

Add additional access level

I would like to have a 4th access level in Promapp. Currently all users can create Processes,which is correct for a number of users, but we also need a 'Read Only' access level, for users who should have access to Promapp, but should not be able t...
Guest over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 2 Open for voting

Allow read-only workflow process review

Is there a way to open a workflow process in read-only mode? I don't want auto-save to be on when just doing a review of the workflow process. Prevents inadvertent changes. Preserves the actual last change date.
Peter Yao over 1 year ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / Workflow 1

Debugging assistance: Capture JSON after a task or log all variables action

When a task is completed it would be handy to capture the JSON for debugging purposes. Alternatively if there was an action that logged all variables and their values, that would be useful too. It's possible to log all variables now but that means...

Mobile display to include Objective and Background detail

Include a section for the Objective (and Background) section to present and hide on the mobile screen. Like an open and close section/slide
Kylie Hainke 8 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Mobile 0 Open for voting