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All ideas

Showing 2591

Add a View Only Privilege Type

It would be good to have a 4th privilege option added to make the limiting of process creation easier to manage. Currently to have a view only user type you need to switch on the "limit process creation to PM, BA and PC" option in config which the...
Sam about 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / User Management 1 Open for voting

Task Form Link Variable

It would be great to have a default variable in the workflow the workflow that stores the link to a task form. Right now I grab these through the API connections but it would be much more intuitive and clean on the developer end if we didn't need ...

Create alert when a problem occurs in a Published workflow

I ran into a bug where the Then/Else options in some of the Rules in my published workflow (multiple forms) were removed. I only happened to run across the error when I went to make a couple of minor changes to wording in the forms. I opened a cas...

Don't leave the form when 'Apply Changes' is clicked and change name of 'Cancel' button

Saving a form frequently is good practice. I save the form I am working on quite often because I don't want to lose the work I put into it in case I get pulled away during the form creation process. It is annoying and a waste of time close the for...

Improved content of BPMN diagrams

The current level of detail/content contained within the BPMN diagrams exported from Process Discovery is not fit for purpose as it does not contain any details around what a user has actually done i.e. left mouse click on 'View Claim' button. Thi...
Daniel Orman almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Discovery / Output (BPMN, CSV, Word) 1

Browse function available in Chrome

In Chrome when ‘link document’ is selected and ‘link to a network file’, the ‘browse’ button/function isn’t available. This causes issues because the user then has to go to the file on the server where the document to link is stored, copy the wind...
kathleen over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 1 Open for voting

Generate proper Documents (Word etc.)

Generate proper Documents like Word, PDF etc. based on a Template. (Like the DocGen but for K2 Five)
Lavinia Mogin almost 2 years ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / Other 0

Tag Management - add button text change

Please refer to the attached document for the functionality proposal. Currently it is not clear if a tag is being added to the correct Tag Type because the Add Button does not reflect the Tag Type selected. It would be good to have the Add button ...
Gary Tibble 8 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 1 Reported as bug

Ability to search by reference number when using the search function in "Processes I'm in" and "Processes I own"

Currently only able to search by title
Tess Laughlin 8 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 0 Open for voting

Warning that a process has "require acknowledgement" turned on when publishing changes

I've been caught out a few times when I've published a process/procedure after making basic changes (spelling etc.) and have forgotten to check if "require acknowledgement" is turned on for that process, and people get sent the acknowledgement ema...
Tess Laughlin 8 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting