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All ideas

Showing 2597

Communicate with a group of users

The user details allow the allocation of Teams and Locations. At present, documents can only be shared with individual recipients. Adding the 'Teams & Locations' to the recipient's list will allow information to be shared with a group rather t...
Adrian Garibdass about 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

Lights out package and deploy

Would be nice to powershell a deploy and have integration into Azure Dev Ops for automated deployment to System Test, Stage, and Prod environments, using the AzDO Build (package) and Release (deploy) pipeline. And, not have to use the GUI for depl...
Guest about 3 years ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / Package & Deploy 1 Already Exists

Record type of edit when editing a published process

The ability to choose from a list of 'edit types' when editing a published process eg grammar/punctuation, change of role, major change to activity, minor change to activity
Guest about 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 1 Not Planned

Allow all jotblock types to be resized by exact measurements

Allowing jotblocks to be resized by exact measurements (ex: "50 pixels x 100 pixels," "0.5 inches x 2 inches," etc.) would be incredibly helpful in providing a cleaner & more professional-looking customer experience by having data presented in...
Guest about 2 years ago in Nintex eSign (formerly Nintex AssureSign) / Templates 0

Allow jotblocks to be moved using directional keys

We often run into issues with getting jotblocks to line up with the spaces made for them on documents, so it ends up looking unprofessional with the populated information being off-centered and not having a uniform appearance. By allowing jotblock...
Guest about 2 years ago in Nintex eSign (formerly Nintex AssureSign) / Templates 0

When loop through Get Nintex Groups, allow Insert of whole Group object

I have workflows that run action Get Groups in Tenant and starts a loop for each group. Before the loop, I can display the text of the whole Groups object. It displays as a JSON-type text. ["{\"users\":[{\"isMember\":true,\"id\":\"auth0 … But whil...
Paul Lamping 6 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Update Pause action to allow for longer time

For some reason, the Pause action is limited to only 60 seconds. Please greatly increase the max, or remove the max entirely.
Brady about 1 year ago in Nintex RPA (formerly Nintex Kryon RPA) / Advanced Commands 0 Open for voting

Option to Hide a Workflow Task from K2 Workspace

USE CASE: We have many instances where we need to assign tasks to groups of users that could sit with them for an extended period of time. When this happens we build a custom dashboard through a list view for those users to interact with their tas...
Josh Sutton about 2 years ago in K2 Cloud 1

Link a Document on Group Level

There does currently not exist an option, where a document or image can be linked into the group overview tab. Only processes or groups can be shown there. It should be possible to have a link to a document, such as framework visualisations, polic...
Christoph about 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 1 Open for voting

Nintex RPA Central Notification for Scheduled Jobs

If a Botflow is halted or queued and couldn't run as scheduled, an email notification should be sent to the administrator or botflow owner.
Unknown Unknown over 1 year ago in Nintex RPA LE 1