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All ideas

Showing 2514

SharePoint On-Premise Start Event Connector in NAC

We have scenarios where we want to start a NAC workflow from a SharePoint On-Premise list. Much like the SharePoint Online Start event connector we want to start instances when an item is added or updated in an On-Prem list.
Prineel Paupamah 3 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Connectors 1 Planned

Option to open each task(CTRL+click) in a new window from https://*

to allow the opening these tasks in new window from my/tasks. User should be able to bookmark my/tasks with query filter, or my/tasks page with filter keywords can be formed /opened directly(e.g. https://*

Add a CC email to the Assign a Task action

In the 'Assign a task' action in Nintex for Office 365 and Flexi task for Nintex for SharePoint there is an option to CC or BCC the task notification email.Please add CC and BCC to the NWC 'Assign a task' action. This is important as we migrate fr...
Gavin Adams almost 3 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 12 Not Planned

Variable Builder: Declaratively Insert Merge Syntax

Merge context in Nintex Apps is powerful, but not discoverable. Currently users have to "just know" that merge syntax exists and type in the correct variables and syntax (often by frequent referencing between the documentation and model). Nintex A...
Anna Tadros 21 days ago in Skuid 0

RPA on cloud as SAAS

our partner had already conducted the POC and presentation. However, in the end, it seems that the customer chose UiPath because our RPA product was not highly ranked in Gartner, and we do not have an RPA on the cloud, which eliminates the need fo...
nutthawut Angthong 22 days ago in Nintex RPA (formerly Nintex Kryon RPA) / Console+ 0

Ability to set frequency of form submittals and/or open during a period/schedule.

For start event forms please enhance the user experience and developer experience by adding the following features: Ability to enable a form on a schedule. For example, open a form during a certain period or on a schedule like a scheduled start ev...

Workflow testing log to include clickable links that navigate you to each action

Currently, the workflow testing log displays plain-text action names. When debugging, you have to navigate through the workflow canvas in order to find the corresponding action that has a error. This can be cumbersome when the workflow is fairly l...
Kopantsho Mathafa 5 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Ability to change/customize the sender email address in Nintex Workflow Cloud.

When you send an email in Nintex Workflow Cloud, all the emails will be delivered by and we are looking to change this email with one of our own email addresses/domains <>.
Vicentiu Nae almost 5 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 17 Open for voting

Field labels are reduced to lower case when using Nintex Forms

Field labels are reduced to lower case when adding the controls created in a SharePoint list column into Nintex Forms, requiring us to go in and revise each label to put them back in Title Case. Could this be changed to retain the case provided wh...
Regina Karhunen 3 months ago in Nintex for SharePoint / Form controls 0

Prompting When Archiving Process

We have found that documents tend to be overlooked when a process is archived and those documents are no longer required i.e., an image that pertains to that particular process and is no longer needed. Potentially we would like to see a prompt pop...
Emily Stone about 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 0 Open for voting