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All ideas

Showing 2587 of 2587

"SharePoint Online - Create an item" should work for SharePoint hidden lists

“SharePoint Online - Create an item” does not work if the list is marked hidden. However, “SharePoint Online - Update items” works just fine while updating an existing item in the hidden list. In some case there is a need to keep the list hidden f...
Sumit Rampal almost 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Connectors 0

Workflow tracking for Global Admin

It would be nice if global admin could access workflow tracking on any workflow since TASKS doesn't allow us to open the task forms that were completed. Just shows information. Instances only shows history, tasks are not available. We have to list...
Brandi Woodson almost 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Forms category for NWC Forms and better way to manage categories

Hi NWC forms can only be displays in 'uncategorised'. Great if we could categorise like we do for O365 forms. Also, needs to be a better way to manage categories rather than having to open each form and type it in.
Unknown Unknown almost 3 years ago in Nintex Mobile 0

Allow Promasters to add to the allowed file type list.

Currently this is blocked with no apparent reason why. You must contact support to allow uploading other file types. This could be a Promaster configuration setting.
Guest over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 1 Not Planned

Custom Reporting and Dashboarding

It would be great to enable Business Analysts and Promasters to create, generate, and publish custom reports for promapp processes within promapp. Even better if an API existed to connect to data and generate reports/dashboards in conjunction with...
Unknown Unknown over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General / Reporting 0 Under Review

Add shortcut to edit list row.

When manually editing lists, it would be helpful to have a shortcut to edit the currently selected row. This would function similarly to the edit action shortcut, Ctrl+E.
Nick Nepper almost 2 years ago in Nintex RPA LE 0

To fix preview of task forms, add an interface to allow developers to fake workflow variables

Right now, if you use a workflow variable to filter data lookups or to determine visibility of fields/requirement of fields, you break your preview. This can be a significant hamper when defining logic - it means we have to work with unfiltered va...

Control Effectiveness to remain active (optionally)

When the Manual Residual scoring scheme is used in Risk, the Control Effectiveness field becomes inactive (as it is not used to calculate the residual score) and does not appear against the risk. We would like to have the option to make the field ...
Andrea 11 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Risk and Compliance Management 0 Open for voting

A single place to store screenshots of erroneous steps when the robot is executed.

For example, the robot is working and a window detection error occurs, instead of explicitly prescribing where to save the screenshot of the current window, allocating space on the shared folder for this, etc., it was more convenient at the step w...
Dmitry Goncharov almost 2 years ago in Nintex RPA (formerly Nintex Kryon RPA) / Console+ 0 Open for voting

Documents can be added as generic items so users don't have to select a type first (and possibly choose the wrong type)

Currently when adding a document the user must first select a type. If they don't know the type then they may have to search several times before finding the document they need. A shortcut to add a document to a process would also be beneficial e....
Jonathan Butler 11 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 0 Open for voting