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All ideas

Showing 2513 of 2513

Google Maps API; Allow restricting search results by country

Allow designers to limit the restrictions of the Google Maps API in the Address field form to a specific country.Google Maps API allows this with the "components=country:<code>" parameter in the URL.

Tabbing through the editable columns in an Editable List View

We need a feature to tabbing through the editable columns in an Editable List View.
Guest over 2 years ago in K2 Cloud / SmartForms 1

Add "alias" property to white-listed applications

When defining white-listed applications I put in a process name that is later displayed in the Discovery Results. The process name is not very user friendly (e.g. "word32.exe") and I would like to add a more readable alias (e.g. "Microsoft Word")....
Morten Schnack almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Discovery / Process Discovery console 0 Open for voting

Export Word doc/Automation file from Unified Graph view

Today, we can generate a descriptive Word document or an automation file from a Process in the Process Library when using the Linear Graph. However, these two options are not available in the Unified Graph view (only CSV and BPMN). I would like to...
Morten Schnack almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Discovery / Output (BPMN, CSV, Word) 0 Open for voting

Change Dashboard Column heading from 'out of date processes' to 'Processes overdue for review'

The Governance page of the Dashboard shows the process statistics for the organisation in 6 columns. The 3rd column is titled "OUT OF DATE PROCESSES". It would be more accurate to title this column "PROCESSES OVERDUE FOR REVIEW". The processes hav...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 3 Open for voting

Enable dashboard notifications & emails when an incident owner is changed

Please see all details in the word attachment including our business workflow. I have had a call with Tanzim as it was initially thought there is a workaround for this but there is not.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Improvement Management 1 Not Planned

RPA Central processing days

I would like RPA Central to have scheduling option for last day of the month, last week day of the month, first day of the month, first week day of the month. Also another option that would be nice along with the above is to have two drop down men...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex RPA LE 0 Under Review

It would be nice in NAC to be able to edit previously submitted form data in instances that Fail or Terminate, either in the Table or Code when looking in Instances run or Edit the Form Start Data so that something can be corrected before resubmitting a workflow instance that had failed or needed to be terminated for some reason.

Often times, we can have very rich and full Forms that trigger a workflow. Sometimes after a flow has been submitted it may have incorrect data (this is not something that can be validated correctly or handled with rules). Example we have an onboa...
Tye 8 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Runtime 1 Under Review

Ability to clear cache on checkbox fields

Currently for my Nintex form, I have a checkbox field that is conditional based on another field being equal to "Yes". If I fill out the checkbox field and then change the conditional field to "No" then the checkbox field goes away as expected. If...
Guest 8 months ago in Nintex for SharePoint / Form controls 0

exporting and importing workflows from different environments

We have a few different SharePoint environments where we move workflows, using export and import, from each environment. We use the 'Set item permissions' workflow element in building the workflow and is causing an issue when moving the workflow b...
Guest 8 months ago in Nintex for SharePoint / Designer 0