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Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud)

Showing 812

Additional form variable functions

The existing form variable functions are great. Here are some missing ones that would make life easier: String- InStr (to search for text within existing text) Mathematical- Mod (return the remainder of a division)- RoundDown (rounds a number down)
Chris Ben about 3 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 1 Not Planned

Ability to be able to export workflow for permanent record.

With Nintex for Sharepoint we can export the workflow definition to a file as a record of the deployed, working version. The export WF definition key, is I believe time limited, it would nice to be able to define that this 'final' release export i...
Russ Hancock over 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Not Planned

Workflow settings, Workflow deletion

Is there a feature on the roadmap (e.g., under Workflow settings > Workflow publishing) that would allow specific roles or groups to have permission to delete a workflow? Background: In our current support structure, workflow stewardship falls ...
Guest 6 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Other 0 Open for voting

Add option to allow Alert on Failure to goes Form initiator

From a troubleshooting perspective, it would be ideal for users with Workflow Owner permissions to receive failure alerts. However, in large organizations, the form initiator is often the one most invested in the outcome of their request. It would...

Support basic HTML in Document Generation

Would welcome support of Rich text multi-line text fields in Document Generation. At least allow us to have bold, italic and especially a link supported when generating a PDF from a Word template.
Wouter Terlunen about 4 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Other 1 Already Exists

Working Days API - option to Analyse Period

I have a working days API Key for using the working days function within NWC. I notice that there are actions for adding working days etc but there is an action missing from the Nintex components for this and this would be the ability to “analyse ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 2 Not Planned

Improved Filtering on NWC

When filtering through instances it would be helpful to filter based on workflow (ability to include or exclude) or through an instance name containing x. Would also help if you could save a filtering list view so you almost have a report
Guest about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) 1 Already Exists

Forms - Provide button option that will allow updating a SP Column

This option is available in Nintex O365 Classic forms. We need this to migrate to NAC forms.

Escalate tasks to the manager of the current assignee

Currently it is only possible to specify the manager of the assignee before a task is created. But when a task gets delegated to another person, the manager to escalate to is still the original one. Please add the feature to escalate to the manage...
Niklas Grethler 7 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Runtime 0

Include delegation timeline to task history

It would be very useful to see to whom a task was originally assigned to and if multiple delegations happend to see a timeline of the people and the delegations.