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All ideas

Showing 2602

My Archive Requests tab in Promaster Dashboard

Can we have a separate tab under My Dashboard for Promasters to see My Archive Requests. Currently it is a real pain to have to scroll through all the approval submissions to see the archive requests to approve as currently there is nothing to ale...
Unknown Unknown over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

Un-tag weblinks

Currently when a weblink includes a system name it will tag that system to the process. In some cases that is not desired or accurate so we would like the ability to un-tag systems from weblinks manually. We are able to untag systems in the rest o...
Amy Gudbaur over 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 1 Open for voting

Provide an option to update multiple processes Owners/Experts in bulk

Changes in a company can mean many users are moved or transfer to different roles. It would be easier to be able to provide a CSV with all the Changes of Owner and Experts for a simple mass change. Other wise if you require to change both from 2 p...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex for SharePoint 1

Minimode Links Exported to Excel in all reports

It would be great to be able to close the loop when sharing process reporting with multiple business units within an organisation via giving access back to the Process within the reporting.
Adam Brown about 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Sharing / Minimode / Reporting 2 Not Planned

Document generation field link id's

Seems when you retreive the links for inserting into doc, the link becomes the original name, when you create copies of a field many timesExample. Original field called = "Engine Oil"when you copy the field because by default new field becomes"Eng...

Allow saving of filtered views of the NWC workflow dashboard

The default view of the workflows in my NWC tenant dashboard is unfiltered, so I see a lot of workflows in various stages of development and testing as well as the ones that are in production. I have created tags to apply as filters and this works...
Bruce Altner about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) 0 Open for voting

Conditional or Variable Min/Max Rules

Currently, in order to adjust the Min/Max values of a field, you must do so with Form Rules. It'd be great to be able to adjust these variably, feeding the value from an external source, rather than having to create a rule each time we need to adj...
Shane over 1 year ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 1 Open for voting

Attachment Size property for the files attached in attachment control

Currently we are have only option to get the file size is via JavaScript. Is there a possibility to get the attached file size in K2 attachment control return file properties itself.
Santhosh Krishnan over 1 year ago in K2 Cloud / SmartForms 0

De-duplicate list lookup results

On a Nintex Workflow start form, using a list lookup control with a filter often results in duplicate values being displayed. May I propose a small addition to NF.BaseDataAcessHelper.js in the updateControl function. // added at NintexForms\NF.B...
Unknown Unknown over 1 year ago in Nintex for SharePoint / Form controls 1

Hide or redirect the Close botton on the New Responsive Form

In the ribon, at the top left, there is a Close button. This Close button redirects the form to the list it is connected to. There are times that you need that Close button to redirect somewhere else. The Cancel & Submit buttons already do it ...
Walter Van Lue over 1 year ago in Nintex for Office 365 / Form Filling Experience 1 Not Planned