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All ideas

Showing 103

Model Approval Workflow

Support the Approval Workflow for Process Models to better manage change management.
Jonathan Butler over 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Modeling 0 Planned

Simplify the clearing of notifications

Number of clicks required to clear out notifications seems avoidable & system response could be improved. Example... to clear out 80 document notifications. Must click Show More several times (wait) then scroll to very top to select Mark All A...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 1 Planned

Excel import to SMO

Please consider adding native functionality similar to the old Community broker that allowed you to import Excel data into a Smart Object. We really miss that.
Guest over 3 years ago in K2 Cloud / SmartObjects 2 Planned

Add currency for south African Rand

We're planning at Western Cape Government in South Africa a large deployment and need ZAR included as an option. "No currency" option would also work.
Guest 5 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Reporting 0 Planned

Get/Show Manager's Email Address in the Form

Simply get any Manager's information and show it in the form.

Nintex mobile : Publish a workflow for a restricted circle of people.

in my company, we have a lot of workflows published in production with built-in nintex forms. We need to group forms by permissions so that only specific people to access them. For example, let's say we have HR forms, IT forms, and FINANCIAL forms...

Move draft process to a new group without publishing the process

When you have responsibilities change across a large organisation, the grouping of a process may change. Sometimes a draft process may only be part way through completion. Currently we have to leave the process in the incorrect grouping until it i...

Excel Exports to include Process ID

I think it would be great if the Excel exports includes the Process ID. An example of a use case would be: Following up on overdue (review) processes. We would download the report, and follow up with the process owners and experts (outside of Prom...
Guest over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 4 Planned

Highlight Automated Activities in Process Map

Today the only indication that an activity has been partially or completely automated is a small icon in the corner of the activity on the map. In the Procedure view we provide a highlighted color to show which activities have been automated. We w...
Jonathan Butler 12 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Integrations 0 Planned

Have an 'internal feedback' option between PE/PO

Have an internal feedback option for collaboration and workflow that is not published/available to the rest of Promapp users. This could be used for work in progress processes and collaboration. A user could either leave comments/review notes for ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Feedback 1 Planned