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All ideas

Showing 2516 of 2516

OOTB Progress bar control in SmartForms

a Very useful OOTB feature would be to ship a Progress bar control in K2, as a consultant this is a common thing we need to implement since customer love it and it looks really good but it's overly complicated. It would be very cool if Nintex ship...
Vernon Jardine almost 2 years ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / SmartForms 2 Under Review

Ability to add text/note beneath a linked process

It would be helpful to be able to add text beneath a linked process to add context or specific instructions within a wider process. It would also be useful to be able to edit the name of the process to fit in to the wider process that it's linked...
James Allen over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 2 Open for voting

Reorder Form Rules

Please consider adding functionality to change the display order of form rules. Currently new rules are added to the bottom of the list. When building complex forms, it can be cumbersome to manage groups of similar rules created at different times...

Exchange Online Start Event - Get Attachment

The Exchange Online start event allows us to retrieve email attributes such as sender, subject and body. It also tells us if there were any attachments in the email but it doesn't give us the ability to retrieve those attachments. Can we add that ...
Chris Ben 9 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Connectors 2 Not Planned

Add Post-it notes

Often times as I am building out my workflow, I think of an idea that I could add to that branch, but need more contemplation. I'd like to be able to add a "sticky note" (not an actual step to the workflow) to that area with the idea or function I...

K2 Trusted LDAP User Manager - optional SearchOptionsControl

It would be great to have an OOTB service type for Azure Blob File Storage for the storage and retrieval of file attachments in Azure (vs SQL or SharePoint).
Tin Bui 26 days ago in K2 Cloud / Integration 0

More robust Javascript documentation

More robust Javascript documentation, including examples and real-world use cases
Anna Tadros 4 months ago in Skuid 0

Pre-populating Answers and Repeating Sections

In my organisation, forms need be signed-off by several levels of management before they are complete. If they're unsatisfied with anything, this can be passed back to the previous stage. This means I need to save and recover the current answers, ...
alan_fire over 3 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 10 Planned

Granular level permissions for forms

Currently any of our employees with Nintex access can view any Nintex form, even forms designed for exclusively for HR or Finance. We want to more easily be able to restrict access to forms (or parts of forms) based on group membership or other fa...
Paul Lamping over 1 year ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 5 Planned

Ability to show decision loops in a process on the Map

As most Business Process in the world are not just straight linear processes and can have steps that based on decisions or choices made that the process could loop back to an activity that has already occurred in the process or actually skip steps...
Guest about 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Map 15 Not Planned