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All ideas

Showing 2453

Copy and Paste between Workflows

It would be great to be able to copy any part of a Workflow and be able to paste it into another workflow.
Shane over 1 year ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 8 Open for voting

Workflow Testing: Re-use previous start variables values

Currently, in workflow testing, we have to input all start variable values over again when running a new instance. This can be extremely time-consuming in testing.It would be great if we could re-populate previous values when using the workflow te...

Allow Archiving Without Removing Linked Processes

We have had a replacement of one of our key legacy systems with many of our processes now irrelevant as a result. The task of cleaning up has proven to be time consuming, frustrating and impossible to do within the application. I appreciate the co...
Guest over 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 2 Completed

Need a way to save signer's signature with no need of user authentication

In our Transport Canada applications, our clients who are NOT registered users in AssureSign need to use assureSign to sign multiple documents during multiple signing ceremony during the day. However, they can not reuse their signatures. Can Assur...

Need capability to change the language during signing ceremony

As an AssureSign user, we would like AssureSign to provide language toggle/dropdown (EN/FR at least) such that user can change the language during signing ceremony. Not the content of document but the ceremony subject and titles ect,

Allow form control title to be assigned a variable

Allow the title of a control to be set from a variable based on rules. You can then lookup a value from a datasource and assign it to the control as the title based on other variables

When Copying Fields, make it go up in number not "copy/copy/copy/copy"

When Copying fields in the Form Designer (e.g."New Field"), the new copied field says "New Field copy", this causes a lot of issues when referencing that copied field later as if you copy the field 10 times it ends up with "New Field copy copy cop...
169 VOTE

Bulk archive/delete of processes

We create processes during training that serve no purpose after the training session. It can take a long time to search for these and archive/delete them one by one. It would be a lot quicker if this could be done in bulk, by searching for process...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 40 Planned

Storage Solution in NAC for images

Can we please re-open the following idea? We need storage as well, we have a difficult time passing images through to outlook. They are ALWAYS broken no matter what link we share unless it's a public site...
Brandi Woodson 9 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 2 Open for voting

UI to assist with database migration

Migrating K2 database currently requires following the steps in this KB: The migration involve manually running some Powershell commands, which may be ...
Edward Tan 9 days ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / Other 0