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Navigation, Search & Filtering

Showing 64

pin favourite groups to top on the front page

We suggest creating the ability to pin favourite groups to the top of the front page in order to help staff easily identify their favourites.Similar functionality to what is available in SharePoint or file explorer where you can pin a file / folde...
Michelle over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 0 Open for voting

colour coding/branding of favourite groups

We have a growing number of businesses within our promapp site which means that we add a new group at the top level whenever there is a new acquisition. The favourite heart on the group is helpful but it is not visually as impactful as we would li...
Michelle over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 0 Open for voting

Nintex Promapp Homepage

My “welcome” page shows 3 process changes yet when I click on it there are “no records found”. Tanzim investigated and found that the total number 'Process Changes' from your homepage = 'Process Changes' dashboard + 'New Processes' dashboard under...
Guest over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 0 Open for voting

Add check box or default to the search 'Filter by Group' list.

The current search feature has the 'Filter by Group' as a scroll and select option. Once the 'Filter by Group' option is selected and the search is completed the option selected is no longer available. If a second search is required 'Filter by Gro...
Adrian Garibdass over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 1 Open for voting

Enable permissions to be added to sub-groups

There needs to be a way to add permissions to sub-groups so that we can set up consultants with access when they need to work with a specific team without giving them access to all of the processes. I understand this would be a structural change b...
Henrietta Farr over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering / User Management 1 Open for voting

Different colour settings for different page types

To make it more obvious whether our users are viewing a procedure or policy page (and we have a third variation too) we would like to have a difference in formatting - such as the header being in a different coloured bar.
Kirsty almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 1 Open for voting

Add share button next to results in search

In addition to the favourite button, it would be great to have the share process link button show up when searching. I often need to provide links to a number of processes and having to go into each one to get the link is a bit frustrating and slo...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 2 Open for voting

Published process

A user shouldn't be able to see search key words, this should just be a back end functionality. It makes it more confusing when searching for a process because it adds unnecessary text. A published process should have the linked inputs at the top ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering / User Management 1 Open for voting

Ability to filter Processes Awaiting Approval by Approver

Ability to filter Processes Awaiting Approval by Approver in order to facilitate sending a report to each approver. Ideally, an automatic report that would be sent to each approver after x number of days of not being approved but could be manually...
Meghan Blue almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering / Process Review & Approval 2 Open for voting

In the left navigation pane, process count should be displayed for the Promapp folder selected

It would be helpful if we can see the number of processes available in the folder up front (in the left navigation pane). I understand that we can generate a report for a specific folder to view the number of processes. At times, it becomes tediou...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering 1 Open for voting