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All ideas

Showing 2574 of 2574

Hide Connection Strings

Do not display connection strings in sites.
Codi Kaji 7 months ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / Security 0

Hyphen in SalesForce Auto-numbering causing issues with saving in Box

SalesForce, since it's inception has the auto-numbering feature. Standard functionality for autonumbering of the "CONTRACT" object in SalesForce is utilized universally and is an important feature. As part of this auto-numbering, the "Contract ID"...

Sort Order of Service Instance Methods

When creating SmartObject methods in the designer, Service Instances are not listed alphabetically which can make it difficult to find the instance you are wanting to refer to if you have a lot of services integrated.
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Automation On-Prem (formerly K2 Five) / SmartForms 1 Planned

Hindi language support

10% of the business is based in India and even though English is the primary business language, the team do tend to speak their native language when dealing with any technical challenges in relation to processes. It would add further value to the ...
Tanbir Hussain 3 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Localization 0 Open for voting

Support Knowledge RichText Field image resizing

Knowledge object richtext field allows for image resizing in the interface but the image comes out full size.
Brent Byhre 7 months ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / Setup and Configuration 0 Open for voting

Customisation Dashboard and My Tasks

Ability to customise Tasks list to choose from the fields to display including some workflow variables. Also ability to see tasks list for others as a business owner of the workflow.

Ability for connectors to impersonate user account

Connectors should have an option to be used as account they were set with (current behaviour) or to impersonate the user at runtime. It would help identity end user at the third party system that would get updated on user's name rather than connec...

Feature like SmartObject

One of the top feature of K2 is SmartObjects. There is a need for something similar is Nintex to organise workflow data including startforms and taskforms variables, into some relational data and able to expose it via odata service for reporting p...

Export TaskForm data via apis

At the moment, we can only see start variables via startData api endpoint. There should be an endpoint that would expose all the variables in the workflow including task form variables and workflow variables with their latest values.

Search on document conent

Enable searching on document content, not just on the title/metadata. Support: Promapp only searches the title and other metadata entered into Promapp when uploading the Document. Not the Document contents. Feedback: this is the single biggest...
Guest over 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 0 Planned