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Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp)

Showing 1063

Allow the option to exclude documents in search results from Promapp to Sharepoint

When storing documents in a sharepoint environment and linking into a promapp process, allow to exclusion of those linked documents when integrating into sharepoint search results. The inability to exclude this results in duplicated results when r...
Keisha Czysz over 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 0 Open for voting

System Tag Re-indexing - go beyond just the tag to the system but to the references in the process itself.

We recently Re-indexed our the name and definition of an CRM we sunset recently with the name of the new CRM we implemented. While the tags on th particular Activities changed, the utterances or references within th process content itself did not ...
Srinee almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 1 Open for voting

Simplify the clearing of notifications

Number of clicks required to clear out notifications seems avoidable & system response could be improved. Example... to clear out 80 document notifications. Must click Show More several times (wait) then scroll to very top to select Mark All A...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) 1 Planned

Allowing Systems tab to be viewable to all users.

We often are asked what Systems are or have been added in Process Manager. Currently, only BA and Promaster roles can see the Systems tab. We run the System Owner Report to share this although would like to have this setting in the Admin/Configura...
Jamie Nenahlo almost 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Navigation, Search & Filtering / User Management 0 Open for voting

Process should remain in Dashboard until "Seen It" Selected

Once a user clicks on the Process link in the New Process or Process Changes in the Dashboard, the Process disappears once the Dashboard is closed or refreshed. Users may not have the time to review the entire process before the opened process win...
Monica McDaniel over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

Hyperlink to a section within a process

Often our staff only want to see the details of the step of the process that they are responsible for. They don't need to read the process steps for other teams in the process. We would like to be able to provide a hyperlink that goes directly to ...
Katie Shelton almost 3 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Sharing / Minimode 1 Open for voting


Link your Calendar to Promapp so review dates can be automatically linked to your Calendar rather than manually adding them.
Guest over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Review & Approval 2 Open for voting

Report to know which Suggested Processes to delete

Suggested processes add to the overall No. of processes you have in the site. Only a Promaster can delete them. There is no way of knowing if a suggested process has been rejected and needs deleting without going into each Suggested Process to fin...
Guest about 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Quality 0 Open for voting

Process annual reviews

We have a checklist of questions that the PO or PE answers when performing the annual process review. The checklist is then copied and pasted into the comments box that is displayed when the Reviewed It action button is selected.We would like the ...
Pamela Lynch over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Review & Approval 0 Open for voting

reopen actions in the improvements module

Actions can be closed by the person assigned to the action but the IO owner may disagree that the action has been completed and therefore needs an option to reopen an action.
Michelle over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Improvement Management 1 Open for voting