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All ideas

Showing 2594

Better system for lean tags

We use lean tags a lot and some of the most frustrating things with this feature are we had to create work around because we didn't want the user experience to be polluted by potential improvement ideas found during the writing process. We hide ou...
Michelle Pavel almost 6 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 8 Open for voting

Systems in Process Models

Support connecting existing Systems within Process Manager with elements in Process Manager.
Jonathan Butler over 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Modeling 0 Planned

Ability to search pages for SalesForce object and field usage

We need a "Where is this used?" feature for finding where SalesForce objects and fields are used in Skuid pages. While SOSL search can work for some items, if you're searching for a commonly-used word in Skuid XML (like trying to find all pages wh...
Meredith Meyers about 2 months ago in Skuid / SFX 0

Debug Assistance - pinpoint error

Currently we have an issue testing a workflow where it gives us "Semantic Errors" when we try test the workflow. When we try to publish the workflow we get the following "Some fields contain references to invalid variables; we recommend removing t...
Kris Densley 3 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 2 Already Exists

Escalate task to multiple assignees

At present, we can only escalate tasks to a single assignee. Customers who utilize this feature tend to escalate tasks to more than one assignee or to a group. We need the ability to escalate tasks to a collection of emails, a text of semi-colon s...
Kopantsho Mathafa 8 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Not Planned

Have Promapp auto generate unique reference numbers

Companies that are accredited by the International Standards Organisation ("ISO") are required to allocate unique reference numbers to processes, forms and policies. This can be quite time consuming and it would be great if Promapp automatically g...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 4 Started

Ability to add multiple attendees to Microsoft Exchange Online calendar invitation

Would like the ability to dynamically add multiple attendees (via collection) to an Exchange Calendar action. This is currently not possible within the Exchange actions.
Karen Newlin 11 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Support nintex eSign delivery option in the nintex Preview DocGen Component

Currenlty, nintex eSign Delviery options are not supported being sent from the Preview DocGen Component in Flow. You can preview the Generated Document using Preview, but currently can only send using the Nintex Apex Action that require nintex Aut...
Brent Byhre 6 months ago in Nintex DocGen and Nintex DocGen for Salesforce / 3rd Party Integration 0 Open for voting

Glossary - Acronyms, Phrase, definition

To improve glossary functionality I propose the following. 1. There should be a data type called acronym as part of the glossary. This should be case sensitive. This would allow for the organization to set its own acronyms and thus ensure effectiv...
Guest over 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 4 Open for voting

Have an action to create an ID Number that is unique to the workflow instance

We require a simple unique identifier for each workflow instance to use in a subsequent "Set Instance Name" action, and other communications as a short way of referring to a particular instance. At the moment the workflow sends data to a sharepoin...