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Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp)

Showing 1063

Specify the 'Next' and 'Continue' Activity IDs in Process Text Description

For decisions on a Process map it is obvious which Activity the "Yes" and "No" alternatives point to; however in the text description (the 'Procedure') it is less clear, and can be confusing for those users who prefer to read text without referenc...
Magnus Edwards over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 3 Open for voting

Separation of Untrained and Expired training totals

Currently, users who's training is 'Expired/Overdue' also appear in the 'Untrained' column. This can become confusing for reporting purposes and feel it would be more beneficial for them to be separated.
Bradley Parker 10 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Integrated Training Management 0 Open for voting

Document owner rights for Expert by default

I recently discovered that when an expert starts documenting a new process, they are not automatically given Document Owner rights to documents they upload. This means that while they are creating this process and it hasn't yet been approved they ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents / Process Creation & Editing 2 Open for voting

Dashboard on the Home Page - needs to be configurable

Currently a maximum of 8 tiles are visible on the Home page Dashboard. Incident and Training tiles always display (even if the item count = 0). Because the tiles are restricted to 8 only, sometimes valid tiles (that should be displayed, because th...
Guest about 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

Variation: The level to accept/reject at the "Task" level isn't available, can we do variations on “Task” level without unlinking the whole activity

linking and unlinking at the "Notes" level works smoothly, the level to accept/reject at the "Task" level isn't available, it would be suggested if we could do variations on “Task” level without unlinking the whole activity
Korie AU 10 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Variations 0 Open for voting

Ability to add timeframe across activities.

Allow a number of days etc. to be prescribed over multiple activities so that an overarching timeline can be allocated. For example from activity 1 through to 10 takes 30 days.
Guest about 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Process Creation & Editing 2 Not Planned

Reporting API for all Change Log events

Currently, dates for approval submission, approval and publish are only visible in the individual process change logs. It would be beneficial to have a report on Process submission, approval and publish dates (better if included in API). This woul...
Unknown Unknown over 2 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / APIs / Reporting 1 Open for voting

Mass transfer of @TODO's to another user

When you mass transfer process ownership to another user you should also be able to transfer the @TODO's between the same users
Guest over 5 years ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 0 Open for voting

Ability to delete processes in bulk

I am undertaking a substantial clean up of our site and, as a consequence, deleting a lot of processes. The ability to tag processes for deletion and then be able to delete in bulk would be really beneficial. Also, if processes have been identifie...
Adele Whiterod 4 months ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / General 0 Open for voting

Search on document conent

Enable searching on document content, not just on the title/metadata. Support: Promapp only searches the title and other metadata entered into Promapp when uploading the Document. Not the Document contents. Feedback: this is the single biggest...
Guest over 1 year ago in Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp) / Documents 0 Planned