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Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud)

Showing 806

Customisation Dashboard and My Tasks

Ability to customise Tasks list to choose from the fields to display including some workflow variables. Also ability to see tasks list for others as a business owner of the workflow.

Ability for connectors to impersonate user account

Connectors should have an option to be used as account they were set with (current behaviour) or to impersonate the user at runtime. It would help identity end user at the third party system that would get updated on user's name rather than connec...

Feature like SmartObject

One of the top feature of K2 is SmartObjects. There is a need for something similar is Nintex to organise workflow data including startforms and taskforms variables, into some relational data and able to expose it via odata service for reporting p...

Export TaskForm data via apis

At the moment, we can only see start variables via startData api endpoint. There should be an endpoint that would expose all the variables in the workflow including task form variables and workflow variables with their latest values.

Select users from Azure AD in the Recipient field of the Send an Email action

After User Directory Lookup is setup, we are offered the ability to select users from Azure AD with the Assign a task to multiple users action. I would like to see this functionality added to the appropriate fields within the Send an Email action....
Ryan B about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Allow setting of default value(s) for a Person Control in a Task Form, or allow the dynamic setting of Person Control values by Form Rule.

Allow setting of default value(s) for a Person Control in a Task Form, or allow the dynamic setting of Person Control values by Form Rule. This would be useful in cases where the Task performer needs to adjust an existing list of people. Unfortuna...
Guest about 3 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 0 Open for voting

APP client secret value should be masked after creation

after create an App under Apps and Tokens, the Client Secret value should not be viewed except for immediately after creation. Also it should have expiration data and notification prior to expiry date.

Translated validation message for Form Field

Currently when we give a regular expression-based validation for a form field, it shows an option in English to provide a validation error message. But a similar option is not shown for other languages. This if implemented, when can use this to tr...

Highlight unconfigured actions in the Task Form

When reviewing unconfigured actions, specifically a Task Form, the user is not directed to which field needs to be configured. Is it possible to highlight this to the user?
Gareth Schroder 11 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 3 Open for voting

More Style and Font options

Workflow cloud forms have very limited font and style capabilities. It is very much a necessity to have a label/title font size, input font-size on controls and a font size option on the label rather than the existing Heading 1- 6 which is very li...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Form Designer 2 Started