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Workflow Designer

Showing 57

Workflow Designer - Undo/Redo Feature

We have no ability to undo or redo what we have just done. The only way to make this happen is constantly saving our work for everything we do, this is not practical when building a workflow for the first time. Why did this feature not roll over t...
Brandi Woodson over 1 year ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Open for voting

Format Date for Nintex Workflow Cloud Start form

ref:_00D90q6Cb._5002v2sCWZq:ref Please add the option to format the Date field i.e DD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYYY etc
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 4 Open for voting

Workflow Testing: Re-use previous start variables values

Currently, in workflow testing, we have to input all start variable values over again when running a new instance. This can be extremely time-consuming in testing.It would be great if we could re-populate previous values when using the workflow te...

Schedule Start should adjust for Daylight Savings Time

Please consider implementing a new feature that will adjust scheduled start workflow when Daylight Savings Time changes.
Teresa 11 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 2 Open for voting

Express Approval associated terms and/or embedded outcome selection field

It would be really helpful to see either one or both of these improvements to the Express Approval feature. 1) Allow us to associate more than one term to a particular outcome. For example, if you have a review task setup with the outcomes of "App...
Ryan B 10 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Open for voting

Option to continue the process in case a specific action fails

There are cases where even if an action fails, the process should continue. We want to be able to manage the failure within the process and handle it proactively instead of reactively (only after it has failed). There are different examples and sc...

Select users from Azure AD in the Recipient field of the Send an Email action

After User Directory Lookup is setup, we are offered the ability to select users from Azure AD with the Assign a task to multiple users action. I would like to see this functionality added to the appropriate fields within the Send an Email action....
Ryan B about 1 year ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

run if Multiple Conditions

Within the Run If action we need to be able to do both AND and OR within the same if statement. Right now its all AND or all OR. Example (Status = No && AssignTo has a value) && (Dept = IT OR HR)
Guest about 2 years ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Adding users to roles via AAD group

Currently, we have to add individual users to a role for them to allow access to Nintex platform.In order to automate this process of access granting, why cannot we just add an AAD group to a role once and then keep on adding people to that AAD gr...

"Copy form data" should allow us to provide a link that allows other users to access and submit a new copy

I have a scenario where a user submits a form. The second level approver is a subject matter expert on the requests the form is used for, and often needs to make minor changes to the submission. However, the first level approver would need to weig...
Drew Johnston 7 months ago in Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud) / Workflow Designer 1 Open for voting