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Create an Index of processes

I would like to see Nintex provide a better way to produce an index of a users processes.

The only way I managed it was to copy the output screen contents from My Profile / Processes
Then paste it in Excel and remove all the Process Owner rows and leave just the Process Expert rows

I only need one, to create an index. I then have to remove the trailing entry (Process Expert) using =LEFT(A1,FIND("(",A1)-1)
It’s a somewhat laboursome process, but works.

A one click option within the application would be very helpful
I do this because some users cant relate to reading a process off the screen so I make an indexed paper desk file of my process then print them and put them in a binder. I can also write on these as things change and schedule a day once a month to go back and add the change and any new screen shots.
Would be great if I could at least simplify creating of the index page

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