I have a DocGen package that requires more than 5 filter conditions to return the right data set. I would love to not need to create new checkbox formula fields for every DocGen package with complex filters.
SELECT fields FROM Session__c (a child object of Campaign, the starting object)
WHERE Campaign = '<<Campaign_Id>>'
AND Type__c NOT IN ('Value 1', 'Value 2', 'Value 3')
AND Status__c NOT IN ('Value 1', 'Value 2', 'Value 3', 'Value 4')
I need to return child records based on the value of two or more picklist fields being not equal to several picklist values.
This is easy to accomplish in a SOQL relationship, but I need to replicate my data by Group, and SOQL relationships don't support grouped replication.
It's possible to run the SOQL query inside an Apex relationship (Apex relationships support grouped replication), but I don't have the time or knowledge to implement custom code.
Creating formula fields is a straightforward solution, but it is not scalable in the long term. For example, my team has 9 variations of the document that requires the query shown above. If we opt for formula fields as a solution, we will have to create 9 new custom fields.