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Categories Document Automation
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 28, 2024

Generated Document Tag Management

There are no existing feature to manage the generated Document Tags displayed in the "Open Nintex Document Tagger" listing within the Document Generation action.

The issue is that if a Form Control has been duplicated to quickly reuse for additional similar control fields to build out a Form, this tend to lead to Document Tags being generated with a "copy" reference while maintaining the original control name.

While the "Open Nintex Document Tagger" clearly list the available variable or control names and associated tags, the manner in which the generated Document Tags are named can cause clarity issue when reviewing the embedded tags within a document template.


New duplicated form control from source control titled ControlNameA and labelled with title ControlNameB, however generated document tags will appear as:





Having a feature to either of the following will be very beneficial:

  1. manually re-generate the Document Tag that takes into account the current Control name

  2. capability to manage the Document Tag naming format and re-apply to existing generated Document Tags

  3. capability to explicitly set the Document Tag name within the allowed naming placeholder where it is not reserved and generated by Nintex

    <<StartEvent_{Allowed Naming Placeholder for Updates}_YoHN1wBQ48>>

  • Attach files