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K2 Cloud Server shouldn't need server restart for any email update to take effect. It should be automatic update from user's detail in azure!

Currently, if any Azure user changes name/email, it shows updated in Azure AD, but K2 users details still pulls the old email from the server cache, it seems. Due to this user can't access K2 workspace with updated email. We had to open ticket to K2 support couple of times requesting to look at it and they came back saying they had to restart the K2 server to resolve this issue. Since Production K2 Server restart needs to happen in off hour, user had to wait whole day till next day to get an access to K2 workspace. Just for a user's name/email change, it shouldn't require K2 server restart, instead it should show the updated email from the Azure platform. If there is any possibility to automatically clear the older email/user details cache, that would be great.

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