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K2 Cloud

Showing 104

API to Retrieve All Roles for a Username

We would like to be able to call an API to be able to retrieve all the K2 roles that a user is assigned to. We attempted to create this through a SmartObject and OData, using the URM Service > Role > GetRolesForUser. The SmartObject itself w...
Danny Knudsen 5 days ago in K2 Cloud / Other 0

Ability to delete Workflow instance data

Like with NAC the ability to set at a workflow level to Delete Workflow Instance log data so that customers can cater more to building processes where they don't want to impact on the log data sizing for regulation requirements or issues caused by...
Nicholas Kotze 23 days ago in K2 Cloud / Other 0

OOTB service type for Azure Blob File Storage

It would be great to have an OOTB service type for Azure Blob File Storage for the storage and retrieval of file attachments in Azure (vs SQL or SharePoint).
Tin Bui 2 months ago in K2 Cloud / Integration 0

Add favicon to SmartForms

I think there should be an easy way to set the favicon for our SmartForms. Maybe even through the style profile.
Danny Knudsen 3 months ago in K2 Cloud / SmartForms 1

Be able to search all the dependencies for a role

When the application is complicated, it's hard (tedious and time-consuming) to find all the usages for a role in the forms, views, and workflows. It will be very helpful to have a tool to query the K2 database or something to quickly return the re...
Wei Liu 4 months ago in K2 Cloud / Other 0

Show User Emails more places in Admin UI

In our company this year a lot of users had their emails changed. A lot of places in K2 that show users (for example User Roles, Licenses, Server rights to name a few), only show user names. This has made it difficult for me to know if the user sh...
Guest 4 months ago in K2 Cloud / Management 0

Multi File Upload control

80% of solutions that i have worked on the requirement came up to have a multiple file upload control with drag and drop. It would be an awesome feature to implement.
Vernon Jardine 5 months ago in K2 Cloud / SmartForms 0

SmartObject Results as Recipients with Rules Visibility

We have a scenario where we want to use the results of a SmartObject call as the recipient of a task (using the roles directly isn't possible in this case). For this example, we call the same SmO 2 times, with different inputs. There is then a rul...
Danny Knudsen 5 months ago in K2 Cloud / Workflow 0

K2 Cloud Server shouldn't need server restart for any email update to take effect. It should be automatic update from user's detail in azure!

Currently, if any Azure user changes name/email, it shows updated in Azure AD, but K2 users details still pulls the old email from the server cache, it seems. Due to this user can't access K2 workspace with updated email. We had to open ticket to ...
Guest 6 months ago in K2 Cloud / Workspace 0

Add File Support for JSSP

For the JSSP service type, add file support to easily pass files from/to SmartObjects using JS.
Codi Kaji 6 months ago in K2 Cloud / Integration 0 Open for voting