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My ideas: Nintex Insights

Showing 22

Separate Failed and Terminated in Reports

The workflow instances report includes a column for "unsuccessful instances". This includes workflows that that failed or were terminated. This information should be broken out into two different values since there is a workflow action to terminat...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Insights 0 Open for voting

Option to add the tenant ID to the web view in Nintex Analytics

Since we use 2 tenants, it would be better to have "Tenant ID" column in Nintex Analytics so that we can identify which tenant that the Forms/Workflows belongs to.
Yukiko Yasuda almost 3 years ago in Nintex Insights 6 Open for voting

Report of Nintex O365 Forms that are visible in the Nintex Mobile App

We have digital landfill in our Nintex Mobile app and are trying to get forms removed that should not be presented in the app. We have no way of finding these forms and request a new report in the telemetry that lists the form's name and location ...
Unknown Unknown 7 months ago in Nintex Insights 0

Include Tags from NAC in Analytics Workflow List

It would be valuable for reporting to included Tags which can be assigned in NAC in the Analytics Dashboard Workflow listing
Jeff Hengesbach over 1 year ago in Nintex Insights 0

Workflow Description

The reports for workflows should include the workflow description to help easily identify the purpose of the workflow. Often the same workflow name is used on various sites (i.e., Approvals). By including the description, it would provide clarity ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Nintex Insights 1 Open for voting

Ability to export data for NAC like the Workflow Tracking page

We would like to export the information on the Workflow Tracking but neither Insights or NAC allows us to do this.
CHAD MACKAY 7 months ago in Nintex Insights 0 Open for voting

Feature to download the instance results in csv file in Nintex Workflow Cloud or Nintex Analytics

We want to output the instance results in csv file after applying Custom filter. At this moment, we have to scroll down the page and it only displays 30 lines each, so it takes time to display the target instances. It's also troublesome to copy t...
Yukiko Yasuda over 2 years ago in Nintex Insights 0

View individual instance data and action timings

It would be really useful to see individual instance data, as well as individual action timings.Scenario I'm hitting is I can see in analytics a cloud workflow takes on average 2 minutes to complete, but sometimes goes up as high as 19 minutes.I w...
Unknown Unknown over 2 years ago in Nintex Insights 0 Open for voting

Name of connector and not just type of connector for NAC and O365.

We are missing the connector level details that the action belongs to in Analytics. When searching for actions to check for activity, we have to open actions that have the same name across multiple connectors. Please have the NCC team add the "Nam...
Michael Floyd 8 months ago in Nintex Insights 0

Data Sources and Data Connections - show which workflows use them

When looking at Data Sources and Connections in Nintex Insights, it would be very useful to know which workflows used each Data Source and each Connection.
Laura Stein over 1 year ago in Nintex Insights 0