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Nintex Insights

Showing 22


Is it possible somehow to receive notifications(by email or whatever) when some relevant procedure for us is updated? DP OPERATIONS STANDARD has been updated and we just noticed because we needed to check it yesterday.
dp operator 26 days ago in Nintex Insights 1

Add Location column to search scope

In Nintex Analytics, it would be great if Location was included in the inline search scope for workflows and instances, so we don't have to export and interrogate.
Unknown Unknown 7 months ago in Nintex Insights 0 Open for voting

Ability to export data for NAC like the Workflow Tracking page

We would like to export the information on the Workflow Tracking but neither Insights or NAC allows us to do this.
CHAD MACKAY 7 months ago in Nintex Insights 0 Open for voting

Report of Nintex O365 Forms that are visible in the Nintex Mobile App

We have digital landfill in our Nintex Mobile app and are trying to get forms removed that should not be presented in the app. We have no way of finding these forms and request a new report in the telemetry that lists the form's name and location ...
Unknown Unknown 7 months ago in Nintex Insights 0

Name of connector and not just type of connector for NAC and O365.

We are missing the connector level details that the action belongs to in Analytics. When searching for actions to check for activity, we have to open actions that have the same name across multiple connectors. Please have the NCC team add the "Nam...
Michael Floyd 8 months ago in Nintex Insights 0

Notifications for Events Based on Conditions or Schedule

Since Insights offers a comprehensive view of workflow statistics, it would be useful to be able to configure notifications for events or send scheduled reports. For example: Any workflow exceeds N instances within X time frame (i.e. workflow inst...
Nick Shaffer 9 months ago in Nintex Insights 0

Caption for image (in addition to image filename)

At the moment, you can create a weblink and add a caption to the link. However, when you add an image, the only way to edit the (associated) detail is to change the filename.
Guest 11 months ago in Nintex Insights 2

Ability to generate Access Tokens for other accounts than the currently logged on user (Service Accounts for example)

Currently, when a user wants to consume Insights OData endpoints, they need first to generate a personal access token, and then use it in their client app (e.g. PowerBI). That's acceptable for personal reports, but if one considers creating a repo...
Nicolas Martin about 1 year ago in Nintex Insights 0 Open for voting

Include Tags from NAC in Analytics Workflow List

It would be valuable for reporting to included Tags which can be assigned in NAC in the Analytics Dashboard Workflow listing
Jeff Hengesbach over 1 year ago in Nintex Insights 0

Data Sources and Data Connections - show which workflows use them

When looking at Data Sources and Connections in Nintex Insights, it would be very useful to know which workflows used each Data Source and each Connection.
Laura Stein over 1 year ago in Nintex Insights 0